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Scrubs Fashion: How to Look Good in Medical Uniform?

how to wear scrubs fashionably

Scrubs are flattering medical uniforms that look stylish if they fit properly. If you work in the healthcare domain and wear scrubs on a regular basis, then you might be wondering how to wear scrubs fashionably. If yes, then this post will give you some ultimate tips on styling your scrubs.

Let’s quickly get into the zone!

Fit right

You will look good in your medical uniform if it fits you right. Too loose or tight scrubs affect the personality as they do not look professional. Some brands have scrubs in small, medium, and large sizes, and sometimes it can be overwhelming to decide which one to go for.

Similarly, too big scrub does not appear professional. Well, you can count on scrubs that come in standard sizes for men and women. Dri-fit scrubs and jogger scrubs are more trendy uniforms that fit just right. If you are not into buying basic scrub, then jogger scrub can be perfect for you.


Accessories with scrubs? Yeah, you read it right. Whether you are a male or female, you can wear stylish non-slip shoes. This will not only add some chic to your ensemble but will also optimize your movement.

Apart from this, you can add a little flair by wearing a wristwatch but make sure it is water-resistant as you will have to sanitize it regularly. If you are a female health worker, then you can consider wearing small and elegant studs. Adorning yourself with little accessories can instantly accentuate your aesthetics.

how to style scrubs

Count on colors

Fashionable scrubs come in a range of colours, like burgundy, black, graphite, lavender, sky blue, navy blue, etc. At C-GUARD, we have scrubs in a myriad of classic colours, and you can pick the one that looks flattering to you. Some hospitals mandate colour codes and all staff members have to follow them. If your healthcare center or clinic does not have any dress colour code, then you can choose a scrub of any colour.

Usually, doctors wear blue, surgeons wear green, pediatrician wears lavender or pink, and nurses wear sky blue. So, you can even select the colours according to your department but make sure you check your hospital uniform list and see if they have set any colour code. The point is that coloured scrub looks great and they can make you appear smart when compared with plain white scrubs.

Fabric matters

The fabric also plays a vital role because comfort is the priority, and if you wear notably thin fabric, then you would feel cold throughout the day. Choose scrubs made of high-quality fabric that are breathable, durable, moisture-wicking, and anti-wrinkle. Your goal is to look polished and professional. So, if your scrub has faded away or gets wrinkles within a few movements, then consider buying anti-wrinkle scrubs from C-GUARD.

Note: Some people wear scrub pants as regular pants because they are versatile. You can do that, but it is always better to wear a medical uniform only during your shifts.

Final words

The key to styling your scrub suit is to keep it clean, as a fresh-looking scrub has the power to give you a poised appeal. The rest of the things mentioned above come after the clean uniform. These points may appear subtle, but such small additions and alterations can drastically change your persona.

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